Several years ago, I decided to change my lifestyle and habits. I started with racing in a triathlon and nearly quit after sustaining an injury. Instead I reached out to a past coach who reminded me to start with the basics. I changed paths from long distance swimming, running and cycling training to self teaching, weight training and balanced eating. I quickly realized I had a passion for this new lifestyle, and not just for myself but for teaching others!
This is when I knew this career chose me! I hit the books and attended school to become a NASM certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach! Owning my own business, Saratonin Athletics was next for my goals.
My passion for teaching and helping others comes from being adopted and knowing how important it is to “love yourself first” by living a lifestyle that promotes achieving anything you set your mind to, never giving up and never quitting. If you never quit, you will never fail.
A few years into my career I found that as much as I motivated my clients, they, too, inspired me with such passion and fire. This lead to my first body building competition where I trained with the most extreme discipline I have ever had to endure.
I have seen over and over again that ALL of my clients, friends and family struggle most with NUTRITION. How to eat clean. How to eat balanced. “What the heck are macros!?” (Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats) I, myself, have been meal prepping my own personal macro balanced meals for more than 5 years.
I’ve heard time and time again “I wish I had the discipline to meal prep like you!” So many times I donated my meals to help them learn how to make them. By adding Real-Prep Meal-Prep to Saratonin Athletics I am officially cooking the REAL meals I have cooked for myself to achieve all that I have – for you too! My meals are clean and dialed in by measurements for you to achieve your goals along side of me and my Saratonin Athletes! There are no gimmicks, no flour, no gluten, no crap – just fresh herbs, clean oil and even down to the grain of fresh ground Himalayan salt.
Real-Prep Meal-Prep is the complementary missing piece Saratonin Athletics can offer to be your one stop shop!
With my own transformation before you, I am here to relate to all of your stages. I am here to be understanding as well as disciplinary to teach you to face your challenges, all of them…inside the gym, outside the gym, your family, home and nutrition head on. I’m here to help you level up through every step of the way with all I’ve got in my heart to help you find your own PERSONAL path that will lead you to your personal success! Your goals are my goals!
I am honored that you chose me!
Let’s get you started!